Found 292 records, showing 21 of 25 pages
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Alloy Steel Bars 1954
Rec. Num. 241 of 292
Source: Flight September 3rd 1954
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Alloy Steels
Rec. Num. 242 of 292
Source: Aeroplane April 8th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Steelmakers & Forgemasters
Rec. Num. 243 of 292
Source: Aeroplane December 16th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Steelmakers & Forgemasters
Rec. Num. 244 of 292
Source: Aeroplane February 4th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Steelmakers & Forgemasters
Rec. Num. 245 of 292
Source: Aeroplane March 11th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Steelmakers & Forgemasters
Rec. Num. 246 of 292
Source: Aeroplane June 10th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Industrial Film Library
Rec. Num. 247 of 292
Source: Aeroplane October 21st 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Alloy Steel Bars
Rec. Num. 248 of 292
Source: Flight January 7th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Turbine Discs & Rings
Rec. Num. 249 of 292
Source: Flight November 11th 1955
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Discs For Aircraft Gas Turbines
Rec. Num. 250 of 292
Source: Aeroplane August 31st 1956
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Alloy Steels For Aircraft
Rec. Num. 251 of 292
Source: Aeroplane April 27th 1956
Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd Sheffield
Firth Brown Alloy Steels For Aircraft
Rec. Num. 252 of 292
Source: Flight June 15th 1956